Elämä Espanjassa
Monet syyt puhuvat kodin ostamisen tai investointien tekemisen puolesta Costa del Solilla. Seuraavana muutamia asioita, jotka me Marley Properties Marbellalla tiedämme syiksi, miksi ihmiset kautta maailman valitsevat rannikon, jossa aurinko paistaa yli 300:na päivänä vuodessa.
- Ilmasto. Costa del Solin sää on tullut tunnetuksi, koska rannikon vuoristo muodostaa mikroilmaston, jossa kesät ja talvet ovat lauhkeita.
- Kulttuuri. Kulttuurillinen rikkaus ja elinvoimaisuus, jota vahvistaa nykyinen multikulttuuri ja taidekenttä.
- Infrastruktuuri. Seudun vakaa infrastruktuuri: liikenneyhteydet sisältäen lentokentän, koulutus, turvallisuus ja terveydenhuolto.
- Hyvinvointi, Urheilu ja Golf. Rajattomat mahdollisuudet urheiluun ja hyvinvointipalveluihin alkaen joogaamisesta aina yli kahdeksaankymmeneen golfkenttään.
- Ruoka ja juomat. Ruokakulttuuri alkaen tyypillisistä Espanjalaisista ruokalajeista aina Michelin tähtiä saavuttaneisiin ravintoloihin ja kaikkea siltä väliltä. Kaiken huipuksi monet raaka-aineet ovat paikallisia.
- Luonto. Costa del Solin luonnonkauneus monine suojeltuine alueineen.
Vaikka työryhmämme on kansainvälinen, niin olemme eläneet Andalusiassa jo vuosikymmeniä ja myymme mihin olemme rakastuneet. Emme vain vaurautta, vaan Espanjalaista elämäntapaa.
Alue opas- Costa del Sol
The Costa Del Sol levittäytyy Nerjasta Frigilianaan itään Alcaidesa ja länteen Gibraltarille asti.
Yleisesti määritellään alueeseen kuuluvat kylä ja kohteet 10 km rantalinjasta ylöspäin.
Rannikko ja rantalinja itsessään on monimuotoinen kuten kalliot, jyrkänteet, lahdet, suistot, niemet, dyynit ja upeat hiekkarannat
Moving to Spain
If you are an EU citizen the process of moving to Spain is very simple.
The only thing that is essential to buy a property is to get an NIE number,
which is your Spanish identification number.
You can either get your lawyer to do this or you can do it yourself at specified police stations.
You can get a non resident NIE number, if you plan to be in Spain for less than
180 days a year and not work, or a resident NIE number if you will be relocating
here full time and seeking employment.
Education – Costa del Sol
Any child or young adult would be lucky to study at one of the vast array of schools and colleges,
both public and private, along the Costa Del Sol. The majority of them are found between
Benalmádena to the East and Benahavís to the West, with Marbella well represented.
We have helped many families relocate to this beautiful corner of Spain and our search in these cases
has always taken into account the proximity to the school of choice.
Many of these schools feature dual language teaching, and with such a mix of students
it is not uncommon for children to pick up three languages while studying here.
Healthcare – Costa del Sol
Spain has consistently been in the top 10 list for health care in global polls.
The public health care system is very good, especially along the Costa del Sol, with a flagship hospital located at Los Monteros in Marbella.
Due to the international flavour of the region, particularly in the tourism seasons,
many hospitals and clinics also provide translators.
Complementing the state-run health service are a wide variety of high-quality private health care providers as well.
If you are from an EU country you can get what is called a Blue Card obtained in the country you come from which will allow you to register here in Spain in the public health system for temporary visits. Spain in itself is becoming a tourist destination for health and dental tourism, with prices very competitive compared with Northern Europe.
The beautiful weather here of course helps in itself.
Food & Drinks in Andalucia
Gastronomy has become part of what is Spain. It’s an important part of Spaniards lives,
with weekly family trips to their favourite restaurants.
Tapas, fresh seafood, vegetables grown on your doorstep, regional specialities.
One could go on writing about this.Especially around Marbella many Michelin starred restaurants
have sprouted up for the more discerning. There are Chringuitos (Beach bars) of all standards, from lavish champagne
affairs to the more traditional sardines over an open fire in a BBQ in the shape of a fishing boat.
There is truly something for everyone, and the prices are very fair, and the service usually very good.
Wellness & Sport on the Costa del Sol
The Costa del Sol is known globally as a golfers paradise with over 80 courses.
Many football teams from northern Europe use the Costa del Sol as their training ground abroad.
Endless water sports, and with the Sierra Nevada’s two hours from Malaga, you also have snow
at your doorstep should you miss it. To the west you have Tarifa with its world famous
Kite surfing beaches, and a little further west in El Palmar the waves.
Spiritual retreats, yoga on the beach, cross fit in the mountains, half marathons, and endless health
and fitness options. Again something for everyone. July and August are the two warmest
and humid months, so all sports tend to be around the pool or on the beach.
Each member of our multilingual team of experienced Marbella real estate professionals will be delighted to help you with your questions.
We speak English, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish. Please fill in the form on the right and we will get in touch with you promptly.